Today's word is "spectacular," as in "the spectacular Stephen Colbert."
In Amazing Spider-Man #573, Spidey gets some help from the man himself in Colbert. Colbert has been quietly lobbying for candidacy in the US Presidential race, but if you can't join the ranks of Obama and McCain, then why not join the ranks of Hank McCoy and Senator Kelly. Colbert plays a Presidential candidate that teams up with Spider-Man that will surely change both of their futures. Oh, and that whole "New Ways to Die" is wrapped up.
The book is written by Mark Waid and Dan Slott and with art by Patrick Olliffe and John Romita Jr and of course features variant covers. One variant is the zombie variant by Marko Djurdjevic, one is a 50/50 variant by Kevin Maguire and the man himself Joe Quesada even contributes his talents for the Colbert variant.
Amazing Spider-Man #573 hits stores October 15 for $3.99. And Omnicomic offers a tip of the hat to Stephen Colbert, and a wag of the finger to any villains that may get in his way.
Preview: Amazing Spider-Man #573
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