Not everyone is lucky enough to get a job with Marvel or DC. Everyone that reads comics though has probably thought about making their own at some point in their collecting/reading careers. Eric Peyron is one of those individuals that has had a tough time getting his story,
Rage the penciller that it deserves. If you've got some artistic talent, you may want to consider getting a hold of Mr. Peyron.
At the Rage website, Peyron has posted scene and character descriptions on his website for any potentially interested illustrators to take a look at. If you find the story intriguing you can draw up some scenes and send them along. Peyron will pre-publish the whole graphic novel on his site and visitors will be able to check it out as it's being created. He will then share the digital version on his website or through the iTunes Store. There will be a black & white version, color version and a pencil sketch, as well as censored and uncensored.
The site is essentially self-promoting and publishing the book. Peyron even admits as much, that the site is somewhat experimental in its design. It's a model that has worked for music, so it's definitely quite possible that it will work for comics as well. If it is successful, expect to see a comic book publishing begin to move in a new direction. Hopefully it means that more and more small publishers will be able to get their works out to the world for everyone to enjoy.
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