In keeping with their almost indie/underground vibe, Image Comics has made one of their fantastic titles most accessible to everyone by lowering the price just a tad.
Dynamo 5 #8 will go on sale October 10 for the super low price of $2.99 for 32 pages of goodness. The new issues chronicles the realizations that the illegitimate children of Captain Dynamo come to, while also being forced to face their toughest enemy yet. There are tons of shockers promised to the readers
"The reception to our first arc has gone above and beyond what we imagined," says writer Jay Faerber. "So much so we're confident enough to lower the cost by a substantial amount. This combined with the inexpensively priced trade paperback should make it easy to bring on any reluctant readers."
Dynamo 5 #8 (first post on the page)
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