The end of the Ultimate Universe

What started out as a new Marvel Universe in 2001 quickly became epic in the ULTIMATES line at Marvel. The universe has seen tons of quality stories come through it, and I'd say its where Bendis started to truly make his mark at Marvel. Now that universe is about come crashing down. And Jeph Loeb is to blame. Loeb (with artist David Finch) has been tapped to write ULTIMATUM, the end-all be-all for the Ultimate Universe. Plans include answering questions that stem from Bendis' work on ULTIMATE ORIGIN, and just wreaking general havok on the universe at large. "What made the Ultimate Universe so shocking for the first couple of years was that anything could happen," he recalls. "And I think we've become a little complacent. We need to rev things back up again! It needs to become the place where the readers come to be like 'Wha? Oh my god! Did you see…wow!' and that's what it's about." Loeb goes on to warn true believers that "when it's all over, the universe will really never be the same again." You feel that? That's me tingling with anticipation. Loeb's Ultimatum
