Spider-Man 3 DVD

Since we all saw Spider-Man 3 in May, we've all been itching to know when it would be released on DVD/Blu-Ray for our home theater consumption. Well wait no more (for a date at least). Sony Pictures has announced that the DVD will be released on October 30, in a trillion different forms. Ok, not a trillion, but a lot. There will be a single disc release, 2-disc special edition release, PSP release and Spider-Man trilogy release that features, you guessed it, all three movies. There's also the Blu-Ray release (and the Blu-Ray trilogy) which should be the modus operandi if you can do it, since HD kicks DVD's ass any day of the week. In regards to the requisite extras, there will be tons. Three featurettes will focus on making the three villains for the movie (that worked out well didn't it?), bloopers, commentary tracks and deleted scenes. IGN has a nice, tidy wrap-up of all the extras, so check it out if you'd like to know. In the meantime, you just have to wait 3 months. Spider-Man 3 Home Theater Release Date
