Marvel Zombies 2 #1 preview

The conventional logic when fighting zombies is blunt trauma to the head. This, in effect, "kills" the zombie, and prevents it from causing further mayhem and carnage. That doesn't seem to work on mutants however, as the Marvel Zombies are back, after seemingly being defeated. Hitting stores October 17, Marvel Zombies 2 #1 is a zombie Civil War. Forty years have passed since the zombies came back to Earth (after their universe-wide buffet), and there is a big surprise waiting for them back home. Robert Kirkham takes up the writing duties, while Sean Phillips does pencils (June Chung doing colors and VC - Randy Gentile doing lettering). And of course the obligatory Arthur Suydam cover. Marvel Zombies 2 #1 hits stores October 17, and will set you back a scant $2.99. Marvel Zombies 2 #1 preview
