Preview: Supergirl: Identity

Supergirl doesn't need to have identity issues. She knows that she's a lot like Superman, but is a girl. Supergirl: Identity is a collection of Supergirl #10-19, and the Infinite Holiday Special #1 (which really sounds like a Japanese game show if you ask me), and one the topics of choice in this work is the adoption of a secret identity. What else happens you ask?
  • Joins the super team the Outsiders
  • Battles Batgirl (hot superhero girl on girl action)
  • Starts dating Power Boy
The softcover collection is written by Joe Kelly, Jimmy Palmiotti, and Justin Gray, with art by Ian Churchill, Joe Benitez, Amanda Conner and others. Ale Garza did the cover, and the 256 page TPB hits stores November 21 for $19.99. Preview: Supergirl: Identity
