Preview: Shadow Hunter #2

Its been a while since we checked in with everyone's favorite porn star turned entrepreneur Jenna Jameson. Last I heard, she launched her new comic Shadow Hunter with Virgin Comics, and issue 2 is right around the corner (well, February 2008). The main character of the series, Jennifer, is faced with what she's learned about her parents, her job and her powers, which of course leads her in the direction of what she really should be doing with it all. And there are the typical father issues. Will he be there? Can she rely on him? Throw in some unexpected demons, and you've got yourself one crazy day. Written by Christina Z., with art by Virgin Studios and the cover by Greg Horn, Shadow Hunter #2 hits stores February 27, 2008. And since Virgin Comics likes to be difficult, to read the full preview, hit the link below, go to "New Releases" and then "February 2008." Preview: Shadow Hunter #2
