The Dark Knight character list

I don't want to spoil anything about this movie, because I want to go into it completely unawares. But that's kind of tough, considering this hear blog is about comics and this is probably the biggest comic event of the year. In any event, Bad Taste will spoil the movie for you a bit if you let them. They've received a list of all the characters appearing the movie. Characters ranging from (spoiler!) Batman and the Joker to Shotgun SWAT and Reporter #2 (I also heard that Frightened Inmate #2 will be in there...sorry, Arrested Development joke). Anyways, head on over to the site and check out the list if you want to know what characters will be in the movie. Bad Taste also has a link to a plot review, as well as some set pictures that are also somewhat spoilerish. The Dark Knight character list
