Iron Man has just hit DVD, and if you haven't picked it up I highly recommend it (Blu-ray is fabulous if you have the hardware for it). But just because we're still in the throes of the first movie, why should that stop Jon Favreau from dropping knowledge on the sequel?
The LA Times recently did a live chat with the man himself where many fans' questions were answered surrounding the sequel, and Mania has a nice recap. There are quite a few informative facts about the sequel that should get you excited.
In regards to a villain, it seems that the Mandarin will definitely play a role.
"Mandarin is still an important figure in the Iron Man universe. We have an interesting take on him that allows us to incorporate the whole pantheon of villains. The whole 10 Rings thing in ['Iron Man'] was a good tease for it. I think we need some version of 'classic villains' in these movies. Many don't hold up well to time and to the big screen, but their essence should inspire the characters. Female villain... Now there's an interesting notion."
Awesome. The Mandarin have always been an interesting villain, and while they were originally created in response to the tensions at the time (World War II), they can be adapted to just about any era because of what they symbolize. So a sequel focused on them would work really well, and I'm sure that Tony Stark's alcoholism will play a role as well.
"Stark has issues with booze. That's part of who he is. I don't think we'll ever do the Leaving Las Vegas version, but it will be dealt with."
Now that the villain question is out of the way, the next biggest question on everyone's mind is "are we going to see War Machine?"
"We need War Machine. Agreed. Shoulder cannons and all."
The whole chat recap is great, and it really sheds some light on the sequel that is fast-tracked for a 2010 release. And of course it will all tie in to the Marvel movie universe being created, keeping the continuity across the films.
Jon Favreau on Iron Man 2
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