How many of you have seen The Dark Knight? You there, in the back. You didn't raise your hand. You may want to skip this post because if you haven't seen that movie yet you either don't like Batman, don't like comics or were living in seclusion somewhere. For the rest of you, the New Jersey Courier Post has a fantastic interview with producer Michael Uslan.
His claim to fame (and infamy at the same time) is that he's executive produced all the Batman movies (I think you see where the infamy part comes in to play). The entire interview is a good read as it gives you some insight into one of the people responsible for the overall successful adaptation of Batman from comics to the big screen. And he's also got some street cred with some other comics films, such as The Spirit and the upcoming Billy Batson and the Legend of Shazam. But there is one statement in the interview that I'm sure most of us are dying to know about: info on the third installment of the trilogy. So here you go:
"Uslan will be on board as executive producer for the "Dark Knight" sequel, which he estimates will be theaters by 2011. As for the identity of the next round of Batman's supervillains and love interests, Uslan remains tight-lipped. "It's one of those deals where if I told you, I'd have to kill you," he says with a chuckle."
Wow. So we have an idea to expect the third film in 2011, which would make sense. Batman Begins came out in 2005 and The Dark Knight in 2008 so the three year trilogy theory is holding true (each movie in a trilogy is released every three years). And his statement about the villains says that Christopher Nolan and co have an idea as to who the villain(s) is/are going to be for the third film. Is the film further along in development than Nolan is letting on? There's still no word if he or Christian Bale are coming back at all, because quitting after The Dark Knight would definitely be going out on top. But if they are coming back, it would seem that the planning is moving along quite swimmingly.
NJ Courier Post interview with Michael Uslan
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