Marvelman returns in June

Not to be confused with Captain Marvel, Marvelman is a character that's been buried in the vaults at Marvel for quite a while. Last summer Joe Quesada himself announced the the character would be making a triumphant return, and it only took a year for that to happen. This June comic book fans will see Marvelman Classic Primer #1 hit stores, answering questions about the mystery of Marvelman. It's a commemorative one-shot featuring interviews with Mick Anglo and Neil Gaiman, as well as pinups by Mike Perkins, Doug Braithwaite, Miguel Angel Sepulveda, Jae Lee, Khoi Pham and Ben Oliver. Throw in two covers (by Anglo and Quesada) and you've got yourself a reminiscing stew. But wait. There's more! Starting in July, Marvelman Family's Finest #1 will kick off as an ongoing series. It's not a "new" series per se, rather, a reprinting of Marvelman's greatest adventures for the first time ever in the US. This will (and does) inevitably lead to the Marvelman Classic Vol. 1 Premiere HC which reprints Marvelman's earliest adventures in chronological order. Chronological order is seen by many as the best kind of order, especially when it comes to comic books. So I guess in June, you can start saying "Make mine Marvelman!" Check out the Anglo cover above and the Quesada cover below.
