New Arrivals: March 17, 2010

This week's release of new comics are hitting shelves on an exceptional day: St. Patrick's Day. So that means before you leave work/school/mom's basement and head to the bars for all the green beer you can possibly stand, you have to hit the comic book store to get your weekly pull. Now since tomorrow is all about green I could say you should pick up Green Hornet: Year One #1, but that's a little too easy. No sir, we're not about doing things easy here at Omnicomic. I'm going to delve a little deeper, and am recommending you check out Krazy & Ignatz in Tiger Tea from IDW. Written by George Herman, Krazy and Ignatz in Tiger Tea chronicles Krazy Kat's most surreal adventures as a result of the Tiger Tea sequence from eating a psychadelia-inducing substance. The graphic novel is the only full-length Krazy Kat adventure presented in the same ear as Terry and the Pirates and Captain Easy. The graphic novel is $12.99 and clocks in at 122 pages. Enjoy! New Arrivals: March 17, 2010
