Preview - Avengers Academy #7

Avengers Academy #7 is seemingly just the seventh issue in an ongoing series. In this case though, it's the return of Giant-Man. From the creative team of Christos Gage and Mike McKone, Hank Pym is on the road to redemption. The issue is apparently pretty well regarded as well.

"A title that keeps growing on me…An interesting and multifaceted read." –Blair Butler, G4

“This has been a remarkably successful launch of a new series, and I'm jazzed to keep reading.” – Greg McElhatton,

“Gage has done a fantastic job thus far.” – Kevin Fuller,

“With this simple yet elegant twist…it’s nice to see that teenage angst isn’t just for mutants anymore.” – Aint It Cool News

The issue is in stores December 15 and interiors are after the jump.
