Preview - Dungeons & Dragons #1

Dungeons & Dragons was one of the first real "fantasy" (no pun intended) games in the sense of stat tracking. Back in the day it was all pen and pencil and sure there were advancements, but at it's core was choosing your character, beefing them up and waging an epic war. I'm sure it's not the first incarnation, but IDW has just released a comic book version of the classic game in Dungeons & Dragons #1, written by John Rogers and illustrated by Andrea Di Vito (covers by Tyler Walpole and Wayne Reynolds).

The first ongoing series in more than twenty years is chock full of adventure and secrets. Adric Fell leads a band of heroes in a world where civilization has been reduced to a few scattered points of light amid a rising tide of shadows. The 32-pager should be in stores now and will set you back $2.99. Interiors after the jump.
