First look at Takio

While Ron Marz has been shepherding the Top Cow universe through Artifacts, the same could be said of Brian Michael Bendis and Marvel.  Arguably, Bendis has pretty much brought the Marvel Universe to its current incarnation via House of M and Secret Invasion.  He's moving onto other things in the Marvel U, his latest a teamup with artist Michael Avon Oeming in Takio.

Takio is Bendis' first all-ages novel featuring two sisters from a multiracial, adoptive family driven to the brink of society.  This means that the sisters must put aside their differences, save the world and be home in time for dinner.

“As exciting as it was to stretch my writing muscles and help create this new modern all ages superhero world, I am most excited for people to see a new side to the entire Powers crew,” explains writer Brian Michael Bendis. “This book is so good looking.”

Artist Michael Oeming adds "This has been an exciting adventure for me, drawing and creating with my extended family has added a whole new dimension to our work. One of the best times I've ever had making comics."

The graphic novel hardcover goes on sale March 2 for $9.995 and interiors are after the jump.
