New Arrivals: January 19, 2011

You can never go wrong with an anachronism. The best thing about it is that no matter how many historic inaccuracies there may be in the historical story you're tweaking it can still work and be awesome. Abraham Lincoln is a figure that has seen a lot of play recently in such historic anachronistic stories, with the latest being Time Lincoln: Apocalypse Mao.

Written and illustrated by Fred Perry, Time Lincoln: Apocalypse Mao features Lincoln touched by the power of the Void. His latest endeavor has him going against Void Stalin, doubling as the Tyrant of Time. His power has galvanized an Asian nation to attempt to conquer the world in the 1920s. Throw in Amelia Earhart and Lucky Lindy and you've got a showdown with Apocalypse Mao and the Time Fighter Squadron.


New Arrivals: January 19, 2011
