Ninjas vs. Zombies Available for Order
Ah the 20s. Various rites of passage are thrown in there. 21 being the legal drinking age. 25 the age where you can rent cars with impunity. And any number in that range is a good age to deal with zombies. Yes, zombies. Facing the zombies is made easier when you're a ninja though.
Ninjas vs. Zombies from Azure Press is the comic book tie-in to the film of the same name, written by Tom Chillemi, penciled by Jaime Martinez and inked by Ruben Rodriguez. Seven friends are put in danger's way when a long-dead loved on is resurrected and decides to start eating others. Three of those seven friends have ninja powers so this isn't your typical doomsday zombie scenario. Throw in some pirates as well and I'm pretty sure you definitely have an even more unique zombie scenario, but you've got to save something for the sequel right?
The first issue is available on page 234 of March Previews (MAR110889) for $3.99. Interiors after the jump.
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