Review - Broken Pieces #1

Life isn't easy and if it were it certainly wouldn't be interesting. It's picking up the broken pieces that makes it interesting. What makes it even more interesting is when you start throwing in crazy science experiments that play with the human genetic code. Broken Pieces #1 does just that.

In the year 2033, the country has been ravaged by the detonation of a bio-bomb, leading the the typical class warfare scenario where the masses are forced to die while the rich look for a "cure." Enter the idealist doctors Richard and Gabrielle Adams. With a promise reminiscent of Jurassic Park, the two doctors are promised more money than they can imagine in exchange for their knowledge regarding the affliction.

The book plays out as you would expect. Corporation seeks cure while hiding alternative motive that is, as of now, unnamed. The issue opens with the end and ends with the open if that makes any sense. Long story short is that the corporation's motive clearly isn't curing the masses. And Richard Adams learns firsthand just what Trinion is secretly after.

The title was created and written by Mark Roslan and features a very smarmy and dirty antagonist of sorts in Damon Ludas, the Lead Director at Trinion Industries. It's Ludas' proposal that gets the Adams couple in the lab, where Gabriella discovers what they're actually researching.

The art by Micah Kaneshiro features some creative panels. There's one page where the effects of the bio-bomb are being described and the panels are presented as waves pushing out from the detonation of the bomb. It's a cool effect that adds a little extra to the recounting. The character models are also interesting because there's little detail in facial expressions. There's a watercolor feel to the art that's refreshing.

Broken Pieces #1 is a solid first issue that takes the apocalyptic scenario and turns it slightly on its head. The next few issues will no doubt shed more light on Ludas and Trinion, as well as Gabriella's race to find the truth and Richard's plight. Definitely worth checking out when it hits stores tomorrow. Interiors below.
