Review - Avengelyne #8

The battle between good and evil is one that continues to rage on in the real world and especially in the comic world. For Avengelyne there is never a break in this fight; even for a fallen angel. Been a bit of time, but the wait is over as Avengelyne #8 is out last week and is a fitting issue to expand deeper into her world.

Written by Mark Poulton--with artist Owen Gieni and colorist/letterer Dexter Weeks--the Image title continues as one hell of a series. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading the last eight issues and really can’t wait to see how they deal with the crazed Priest.

Avengelyne #8 is titled "The Hunt Part 2" as the crazed cop killer known as the identity of the Priest is revealed. In the last issue Avengelyne and Passover managed to capture and subdue Father Michael, but were ambushed in the process by the War Dogs who captured Avengelyne, Father Michael. The group did a number on Passover.

Passover gets the chance to go Old Testament on the War Dogs. Her fighting ability is on full display, but she still manages to get it under control when facing down one of the five holy weapons.

I dig how Poulton put the backstory in as it gives more depth to War Dog. He's tied to what Passover does, doing God's work on Earth in a less than traditional way. The action manages to ramp up, despite the seemingly lacking blood compared to the previous issues.

Poulton is also expanding the world of Avengelyne, adding layers to it and drawing you in deeper. The story is really compelling, with vivid characters bringing it to life.

Gieni and Weeks really get the job done on art and coloring, as the issue provides a nice blend of characters and backgrounds focusing on the detail of the characters as they stand against them. The last panel of this issue has to be my favorite with the level of intensity Passover is showing as he is right up in Father Michael’s face showing him the truth face of death. Pretty damn awesome.

If you've been reading the series you better have picked up this issue. Seeing the next issue is going to blow things open, setting the stage for the Red Dragon’s big plan to come to fruition in the next few issues.

Avengelyne #8 is in stores now.
