Head Smash Being Adapted into Film

Arcana Comics has a graphic novel called HeadSmash, written by Erik Hendrix and illustrated by Dwayne Harris. It's a sci-fi thriller set in the fictional city of Ares and centers on an orphan named Smash who finds safe haven with a brutal syndicate.

Vladar is working with Arcana on the graphic novel and the cover for it will debut at San Diego Comic Con next month during the Arcana Comics panel. Vladar also directed "Big Pun: The Legacy" and "Last Day of Summer."

If you're at San Diego Comic-Con, you may want to check it out at the show.

Full press release below.

VANCOUVER (June 19, 2012) - As reported by Variety Magazine yesterday (LINK HERE), The Vladar Co. and Arcana Comics have teamed up to produce the graphic novel HeadSmash as a feature film.

Penned by Erik Hendrix and illustrated by Dwayne Harris, HeadSmash is a Sci-Fi Thriller set in the fictional city of Ares, and centers on an orphan named Smash, who finds a safe haven with a brutal syndicate.

Vladar is working with Arcana on the graphic novel, and the cover for it will debut at San Diego Comic Con next month during the Arcana Comics panel.

Arcana Comics is excited to be working with The Vladar Co. on HeadSmash and looks forward to showing some teasers for the project in the coming weeks.

The Vladar Co. directed and produced the documentary, "Big Pun: The Legacy" about the late rapper Christopher Lee Rios, and the drama-comedy, "Last Day of Summer," starring DJ Qualis and actress Nikki Reed.

Erik Hendrix is the writer of Arcana's SideShows and the upcoming The Evil Tree, Champions of the Wild Weird West, Deadly Harvest, The Book, and several other projects.

Dwayne Harris is the writer and artist for Arcana Comics' Amnesia and another title, which will be announced and debut at SDCC this July as well.


Arcana Studios, Inc. Arcana owns one of the world's largest libraries of graphic novels and comics, with over 200 original intellectual properties, 300 graphic novels, thousands of comic issues and an ever-growing character list. Arcana has begun to adapt this library into live action feature films, animated features and episodic television series. Taking a transmedia approach to brand building and the development of intellectual properties, Arcana publishes graphic novels for North America in print, and now digitally as well. Arcana has been published and distributed in dozens different countries and translated into just as many languages across the globe.
