Review - Point of Impact #3

The mystery of Nicole Farrety's death continues with Point of Impact #3 from Image Comics.

The issue is written by Jay Faerber, illustrated by Koray Kuranel and lettered by Charles Pritchett.

Mitch Farrety continues to seek his wife Nicole's killer and, in the process, learns the name of Ted Caulfield, the man she was having an affair with. Or that's who Mitch thinks was having an affair. Turns out, Ted was really being helped by Nicole to hide from Emerson Global. Meanwhile, Boone learns that Emerson Global responsible is the group behind his framing, yet their reasoning for doing so is a little unclear.

Faerber has really layered in a ton in the third issue. Mitch is in full-on investigative journalist mode, while the detectives are following up on similar leads. The entire investigation is moving along at a comfortable pace and bringing the reader along as well. It's an intriguing story where it's not at all obvious what's going to happen. The suspense makes for great reading.

Kuranel's art is very effective. The simple black and white style matches the writing well, blending the visuals rather seamlessly with the whodunnit nature of the series. For a book whose premise is based on a death by falling, the fact that the story moves along with no vivid illustrations of blood and gore is great. It keeps the book from becoming just a bloodfest.

The third issue has really taken the series forward a great deal. Mitch is a bit more dangerous than previously indicated and Boone is moving himself into position to learn the truth as well. It wouldn't be a surprise to see the two team up in some capacity in the next issue, but only time will tell. The series continues to be a rather impressive mystery noir tale with great twists.

Point of Impact #3 is available now with interiors below.
