Preview - 2000 AD #1842

Get your jaw dropped to the floor: it's the 17th century and zombie hunter Defoe is on the move in 2000 AD #1842 from 2000AD. There's a lot more to it in the work written by John Wagner, Alec Worley, Rob Williams, Pat Mills and Dan Abnett, illustrated by Dave Taylor, Edmund Bagwell, Jon Davis-Hunt, Leigh Gallagher and John Burns and letters by Annie Parkhouse, Ellie De Ville and Simon Bowland.

Judge Dredd finds that the ‘God City’ downed at the end of last year’s Trifecta crossover isn’t as dormant as he thought, Ramone finds that paradise isn’t all it’s cracked up to be in ‘Sinister Dexter: Last Rights’, and the gods aren’t keen on listening in ‘The Ten-Seconders: Godsend’.

The book is in stores now with interiors below.
