Review - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time #1

"Whooooo! Turtles can fly!"

It's a well-known fact that deep below the city in the sewers live all manner of creature. Rats, alligators, ninja turtles. Somehow, the being coexist and make a go of it, but sometimes those inhabitants need to get out and stretch their legs a bit. Even if that means traveling back in time, which is where everyone's favorite Renaissance turtles find themselves in Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time #1 from IDW Comics. The issue is written by Paul Allor, illustrated by Ross Campbell, colored by Bill Crabtree and lettered by Shawn Lee.

If the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles do anything, it's get into some pretty outlandish adventures. That is, of course, when they're not fighting Shredder, Krang or any other form of opponent. Things get even more interesting when they're thrust backwards in time, landing smackdab in the prehistoric age where they run into a somewhat familiar foe. The question is who's really a foe and who's a friend.

It's clear from the start that Allor is tapping into the more whimsical nature of the Turtles. The four of them maintain their personalities that they're known for, while at the same time offer up a pretty lighthearted adventure. The story itself definitely isn't very deep, but that doesn't take anything way from how much fun it is. Turtles and dinosaurs are two things you didn't know you wanted together until now and it's great to see the four brothers back in action, even if that action is back in time. The dialogue maintains the essence of the heroes as well, providing all the witty banter you expect from each of the four turtles.

While the Turtles themselves are somewhat adult in their dealings, Campbell illustrates them with a childish sensibility that is extremely effective in the book. The anatomy of the Turtles is exaggerated in their limbs and fingers, but their facial features seem to showcase a certain innocence. Even the dinosaurs and Utroms are depicted with a certain whimsy that reminds the reader the book should be fun first and foremost. Crabtree's coloring provides another level of intricacy that further enhances the book's pleasant appearance.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time #1 is a pretty breezy book that takes the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles to their childhood cores. It's a story that's not really meant to be part of the more mature characters and it works really well. Allor's script is full of snappy dialogue that's very pleasant and feels like a story that exists within the universe of the Turtles. Campbell's illustrations further the impishness inherent in the characters, as they're illustrated in a way that's both childish and adult at the same time. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time #1 is something that fans of the Heroes in a Halfshell will definitely want to check out, but it also offers a very enjoyable story for everyone else.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time #1 is in stores now with interiors below.
