Review - Ghostbusters: Answer the Call #1 (@IDWPublishing)
Dealing with the paranormal requires a certain set of skills. Patience is one of them, as is an ability to compartmentalize fear. IDW Publishing has both of the above and more in Ghostbusters: Answer the Call #1. The issue is written by Kelly Thompson, illustrated by Corin Howell, colored by Valentina Pinto and lettered by Neil Uyetake.
On a routine house call to dispose of a simple Class III spook, Abby, Patty, Erin, and Holtzmann encounter a truly terrifying Class VII that appears to be feeding on fear. Able to create illusions that prey on their greatest fears, and with designs on turning the world into its own nightmare dimension ('natch!) our ladies may have finally met their match!
One of the most enduring facets of the Ghostbusters is the repertoire amongst the team and Thompson does a great job of continuing the chemistry from the most recent movie. Thompson knows that each member of the team brings their own personality to the table and Thompson relies on each character effectively to emphasize different notes in the plot. And Thompson's dialogue is very good in conveying those personalities, offering snappy retorts throughout that keep the mood light and entertaining. The plot itself is pretty straightforward and Thompson eases the reader into things by getting them up to speed with all the characters and happenings. Thompson paces things pretty evenly through the issue in not forcing the events to go any faster or slower than they need to go.
Howell illustrates the characters very closely to their film counterparts, making it pretty easy to discern who's who amongst the members. There's something playful in Howell's approach that underscores the generally entertaining nature of the Ghostbusters. Howell's style brings the characters to life with angular physiques that cut against very clean backgrounds and settings. Each of the characters is also very expressive as Howell beautifully brings their personalities to life through their reaction to certain events. The book boasts vibrant colors courtesy of Pinto that allow things like the Ecto-Blasters to really pop.
Ghostbusters: Answer the Call #1 offers a very enjoyable and lighthearted take on the next wave of Ghostbusters. The new team are faced with what seems like just another day for the Ghostbusters in terms of a malevolent spirit seeking to enslave the world. Thompson's script is engaging, entertaining and boasts the right amount of absurdity. Howell's illustrations are ideal representations of the characters they're inspired by. Ghostbusters: Answer the Call #1 embraces its ability to be fun and offers the reader to come along for the ride.
Ghostbusters: Answer the Call #1 is available now.
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